The VIC 63 was built at Yard 667 of Pimblott's of Northwich, and was launched on 1 Sep 1945. She was built as a Victualling Inshore Craft during WW2, and was one of over 100 similar vessels built between 1941-1946. She has a length of 80.5 ft and a beam of 20 ft, weighing 147 grt. She had a 2 cylinder steam compound engine.
She was delivered to the Ministry of Transport in February 1946 and remained on naval service until transfer to the Admiralty at Devonport in 1947. In 1956, she was sold to James NcNeil of Greenock and renamed 'Colonsay'.
Her final voyage was on 9th November 1960. She had discharged a cargo of slate in Barra and sailed in ballast, but returned to Castlebay to shelter from a storm. She dragged her anchor and grounded. Her crew abandoned her and she later slid off the rocks and into deep water. She was declared a total loss.
This wreck was unidentified until recently.