Fyne Pioneer, Loch Fyne

Site Name: Bon Ami - Cape Wrath


The Bon Ami was a motor fishing vessel of 21m length, registered in Banff (BF 323). She had one diesel engine with a single screw and shaft.


She was under the command of Captain Mitchell when she was wrecked near Kinlochbervie on 19 December 1985 after she struck rocks at the mouth of Loch Inchard in a gale. The 49tn vessel quickly broke up and sank as the gale force wind smashed her to pieces whilst the rescue vessels, including other fishing vessels and coastguards, looked on helplessly. Her crew of 6 all perished as the tide rose and the wind picked up still further. This tragedy prompted the implematation of a SAR helicopter at Stornoway.


The crew were:

Name Age Comments
Eric Mitchell 38 Captain
John Sim 26  
Mathew McFarlane 38  
David Lovie 32  
Christopher Hunt 16  
Chris McInnes 38  


Dive Site Info

Although she sank relatively recently, the regular pounding by the Atlantic swell has reduced the Bon Ami to ruin. The structure is now no more than a scattered collection of rusting panels and engine fittings although the winches and engine block are still clearly visible. The narrow channel into which her final minutes took her has been divided by a boulder fall lying less than a metre in places, funnelling a single column of light down to the slightly wider seabed.


The wreck lies in a gulley just outside an undercut cave at 15m, covered in spectacular colour and an abundance of life. 

When to dive

Slack water only.

Bon Ami - Cape Wrath - Fyne Pioneer

© A Ritchie

MFV Bon Ami
