Fyne Pioneer, Loch Fyne

Site Name: Heather Island - Sound of Mull

Dive Site Info

Heather Island is sheltered by Kerrera Sound and is an exceptional alternative on bad weather days, indeed, it is an enjoyable dive even on good weather days. Heather Island is a scenic wall dive with possible entry points on the north and south of the island. Strong swimmers may choose to swim round the tip of the island and explore both sides in one dive; alternatively there is the option of doing two dives on Heather Island, one on the north side and one on the south side. Divers can drop into the bay and head north along the wall, around the pinnacle, and drop down to 30 metres, where the small caves provide interest. The overhangs are covered in jewel anemones and soft corals, white cluster anemones and peacock worms. Other life to look out for includes sea loch anemones, feather stars, spider crabs, edible crabs, sunstars, numerous types of sea squirts and nudibranchs (flabellina browni and diaphorodoris luteocinta). The seabed is at 40 metres, although divers need to be aware that below 20 metres the rock and seabed is silty. The south side presents a good wall down to 15 - 20 metres then a silt slope to 50 metres. There are at least two wrecks in this area from sinkings which occurred in World War Two, including the Catalina which has some scraps of wreckage still visible at around 35 metres. There are some obvious chimneys in the wall face but care must be taken as these are not access points and divers are strongly advised not to enter them. Visibility is generally about 8 metres unless divers have been kicking up silt! 

When to dive

Good in ebb and flood conditions. However, visibility is sometimes reduced in ebb conditions as run off water from Oban is dropped into Oban Bay area. Weather from the south west will give a breeze but little in the way of swell.  This site can be a little dark unless it is a sunny day, when ambient light can filter down to about 10 metres.
