Fyne Pioneer, Loch Fyne

Site Name: Eagles - Garvallachs

Dive Site Info

This site is known as the ‘Eagles’ because it is situated under a cliff on which a pair of golden eagles has taken up residence. This site offers an excellent dive to over 40 metres with large submarine cliffs and rich kelp forests in the shallower waters.


The wall drops vertically from the surface to about 20 metres where there is a variety of kelp and anemones. Beneath this first wall is a boulder slope with large numbers of cuckoo, ballan and goldsinny wrasse. Under this is a drop from around 30 to 40 metres. Narrow gullies are formed from holes in the wall, which can be swum through. Divers can drift along the rock face on the tide and look at the beautiful encrusting life, probably whilst surrounded by an incredible number of wrasse. It is also possible to observe angler fish and ling on this site.


Max depth 40m.

When to dive

Diveable at any state of the tide.

Eagles - Garvallachs - Fyne Pioneer

© Rocky

A Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) such as the eponymous pair living above this dive site. Image licensed for reuse under CC BY 2.0.

Eagles - Garvallachs - Fyne Pioneer

© Mark Skea

Red sea fingers (Alcyonium glomeratum) at the Eagles, October 2012.

Eagles - Garvallachs - Fyne Pioneer

© Mark Skea

Elephant's Ear Sponge (Pachymatisma johnstonia) with its distinctive grey appearance, October 2012.

Eagles - Garvallachs - Fyne Pioneer

© Mark Skea

Northern Sea Fan (Swiftia pallid) at the Eagles, October 2012.
