Fyne Pioneer, Loch Fyne

Site Name: Duslic Rock - Cape Wrath

Dive Site Info

Duslic Rock is located just off Cape Wrath. It is a beautiful but exposed scenic dive with many jewel anemones and brightly coloured sponges decorating the rock. Above water, seals and seabirds can often be seen resting on the rock.

When to dive

Can only be dived at slack and in good weather due to the exposed nature of the site and the strong currents which rip past it.

Duslic Rock - Cape Wrath - Fyne Pioneer

© Gavin Anderson

Fyne Pioneer floating off Duslic Rock whilst divers kit up.

Duslic Rock - Cape Wrath - Fyne Pioneer

© Libby Anderson

Duslic Rock from Fyne Pioneer, July 2014.
